Email marketing
Create successful email campaigns that engage potential customers with Odoo. The user-friendly software allows you to have complete control over the content and layout of your emails, even without IT knowledge. Utilise the wide range of templates to build compelling campaigns, and enrich your content with titles, call-to-actions, social media buttons, footers, and more.
Social marketing
Increase your visibility among potential and existing customers with Odoo's social marketing module. Social media is a crucial platform for engaging customers, sharing company news and updates. Additionally, with push notifications and live chats, you can proactively connect with leads and website visitors, delivering a superior customer experience.

Active in e-commerce?
Are you active in e-commerce? Then you can integrate your online shop with your CRM system, allowing you to have a better overview of your customers and their purchase history. This integration helps you to effectively manage customer relationships, personalize marketing efforts, and provide a seamless shopping experience.
Marketing automation
Create campaigns with ease using a variety of paths in the visual interface. Add new actions and select time triggers directly within your workflow. Moreover, you can automate much more than just your emails. Build end-to-end customer journeys and automatically move leads through your sales pipeline or assign qualified customers to your sales team.

Discover the benefits of Odoo for yourself
No more multiple software applications. With Odoo, you can improve your efficiency and reduce your costs.