Stock & ERP
in Odoo

Optimise your inventory and production processes with Odoo: a comprehensive solution for efficient and effective management. Whether you're planning work orders, performing quality control, scheduling maintenance, or streamlining the supply chain, Odoo and Dynapps provide a wide range of tools and functionalities to enhance the entire process.
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Stock management

With Odoo's inventory management tool, businesses can efficiently manage and monitor their inventory. Easily track products and variations, keep track of inventory levels, manage locations, and gain insight into stock availability. Additionally, the module offers advanced functionalities such as barcode scanning, serial number management, and batch management. From now on, manage your inventory in a cost-effective and accurate manner!

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Production is often a time-consuming process. That's why the Manufacturing module provides tools that eliminate the need for time tracking, offer real-time communication to your employees, and capture data directly from your equipment. Moreover, you can optimise all your inventory levels through Odoo's accurate replenishment suggestions. 

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The Odoo Purchase app is a comprehensive procurement management solution that helps businesses streamline their purchasing processes, from requisition to payment. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, the Purchase app can help businesses save time, improve efficiency, and reduce costs.

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De Odoo Verkoopbeheer module helpt om jouw verkoopproces te automatiseren en te verbeteren. De module biedt onder andere:

  • Het maken van offertes
    Het beheren van leads en opportuniteiten
  • Het volgen van de verkooppipeline
  • Het beheren van klantenrelaties
  • Het analyseren van verkoopgegevens

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Manage your maintenance activities in Odoo with features such as preventive maintenance, maintenance scheduling, and technician allocation. Easily request detailed reports and analyses that provide insights into the performance and efficiency of maintenance processes while organising and streamlining device management and maintenance requests. This way, you can maximise the reliability of your equipment. 


With this module, you can easily activate quality alerts and define checkpoints to trigger quality controls during key inventory operations and production orders. This ensures consistent product quality. Additionally, you can configure quality control plans to activate checks during and after production, as well as during material receipt. Furthermore, we offer advanced capabilities such as assigning special quality zones for thorough product inspections. 

Ready to get started with stock and ERP in Odoo?

At Dynapps, we have the expertise to take your stock and ERP to the next level. Book your appointment now with one of our experts.